Neutron (NTRN)

Neutron Coin (NTRN) Upgrades, Friends, & plans for the near term.

Thomas Dowdy "audiotopix"


Hey everyone,

I wanted to take some time to talk about some of the really badass dev work that is going on behind the scenes in the Neutron camp. But wait, it isn't just the Neutron camp, it's also Swipp and Unigrid. If you haven't checked out Unigrid yet I highly recommend that you do, sharded internet anyone? Wait what is that? Well, we will get into that in a bit. Firstly let's talk about the upcoming changes to Neutron.

robin hood is on the way, no I'm not talking about the investment platform, but rather robin-hood-hashing, to summarize its benefits :

  • High load factors can be used without seriously affecting performance. 0.9 is perfectly reasonable as a default (0.95 or higher works too, it mainly affects insertion cost a bit).
  • No linked lists or other extra pointers. This reduces cache misses and storage overhead. Your underlying structure can be a simple flat array since it’s just open addressing under the hood.
  • Lookup and insertion logic is fast. Again, no linked lists to traverse or other complications, just a linear probe sequence with a few checks per element.
  • Unlike other open addressing schemes, looking for non-existent elements is still fast.

How will this affect Neutron? That is a very good question, in short, it will cut down startup time of the Neutron wallet over 10 seconds and it will decrease CPU usage in general, making the NTRN wallet more efficient and lighter weight than ever, which will be great for those who want to run multiple instances on one machine.

Next, we are planning to change to LMDB: Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) is a software library that provides a high-performance embedded transactional database in the form of a key-value store.

This is because LMDB is able to handle concurrent accesses much better and read throughput is a huge improvement over current standards in most, if not all of Cryptocurrency. Using LMDB we might be able to remove the need for the current in-memory block index, which will be a silent but major step forward again in most, if not all of Cryptocurrency.

Next on the hit parade, we are making some RPC changes so that we can make our explorer and any service utilizing these changes exponentially faster. For instance “getblockbyrange” “getdatadirectory” and “autocombinerewards” RPC commands, will operate with a significant speed boost. Another silent but major step forward for Cryptocurrency in general.

A good amount of progress has been made regarding the electronjs GUI wallet, which is spearheaded by Unigrid’s Dev crew. I had spoken with Evan recently and he was working on the masternode deployment functionality.

Unigrid electronjs based wallet masternode deployment

The electronjs GUI wallet shell will be utilized by Unigrid, Swipp, and Neutron, though they will vary in between as each project makes it their own.

My personal vision for utilizing the live web data in conjunction with the electronjs GUI wallet is to launch a startup that will exchange USD for NTRN and other Coins directly by means of a prepaid visa debit card. This is something like a bitpay/coinbase for the altcoins, particularly good altcoins that have solid development teams with dedicated groups of people that are all trustworthy and verifiable. For me, the proof will be in the pudding, not the hype of gimmicks. I believe that there are many solid projects out there that don't get the recognition they deserve, and many while are technically great coins, lack the dreaded word “Utility” while others “Utility” is so specific and pardon me but “Nerdy” that the average Joe may not have a general use for that “Utility” thus the coin never really does well in the mainstream. I believe there is plenty of room for diversification in Crypto, and many coins just need the same utility bitcoin has by way of fiat exchange and use. A sort of Crypto/USD penny stocks exchange if you will. The electronjs GUI based Neutron wallet will have the ability to patch this type of service directly into the wallet much like bitpay for instance. We will also be able to deliver any web content we like. The Neutron Explorer could be viewable directly in the wallet, and any other web content you can think of can be delivered networkwide and dynamically.

This opens the door for many possibilities in the future not for just Neutron but for all who adopt this style of GUI wallet. Im sure there are a few out there already though I'm not sure who they are, props to you, as you are stepping away from the QT based wallets we've all known for so long that have been everything but perfect since the beginning.

Now I know the payments system seems grandiose but the reality of it is actually pretty simple with the legal aspects being the toughest thing to wrangle. There are plenty of payment processors out there that offer card deployment and accounting, and they will not be accepting the Crypto, they will only receive cash deposits and be told what account to credit, this is a very common service. From there, my vision is to have a company that purchases the cryptos of our choice and deposits the cash to the associated cardholder, we would be the bridge between the two services. As this utility is created for these penny alts I believe it will increase the validity of the altcoin submarket in the mainstream eyes and provide a means to the very same utility that the top twenty Cryptocurrencies enjoy. To me, in my opinion, there is really no greater mainstream use or “Utility” then for a person to make an investment into a staking coin, stake that coin for a while and then be able to directly spend the coins on anything in the world they want, and easily enough for a beginner. That is as mainstream a “Utility” as it gets. On a side note, I'm Just guessing, but I'm willing to bet 50% of Ethereum, Neo, TRX, and other “Smart Contract” coin holders have never once used a smart contract and don't even have the know-how. Sounds cool, is cool but really isn't mainstream, and when it is, the mass users of smart contracts won't even realize they are using the technology.

So, that is part of my vision for the utilization of the electronjs GUI wallet aside from the obvious error reporting, auto-updates, auto-strapping, and more. I guess I did leave one thing out “What will you do with the Coins you purchase and how will you profit from the service?” We will slowly trickle them back onto the market in a non-destructive way as needed to support the growing demand for the provided utility, there will be a balance, and in most cases, I predict the coins would be sold back at a profit as demand increases due to this newfound utility, it will be cyclical. Lastly and truthfully KYC will have to be used, if we are ever to exist as a mainstream entity just like bitpay or coinbase, then we will have to do the same song and dance of pleasing the taxman. I know this will upset some, but there is no other way to do this with the same validity as any other mainstream payments/financial service. This is just the truth of the matter. If someone doesn't want to use the service they certainly will not be obligated too, just like a bitpay wallet. It should be noted that this is not the only utility that will ever exist in the future for Neutron, it is merely one of my long term plans and goals as someone who is looking to make this startup in the future. We are constantly reviewing and mulling over ideas to bring Utility and functionality to Neutron. As new opportunities present themselves, we continuously evaluate and evolve over time.

Now, Unigrid — Sharded Internet, I find this to be an exciting endeavor, I presently think of it as an independent ToR network, gridnodes will act as the servers for this internet, and the information relayed between the gridnodes is encrypted/sharded in a way that makes it near, if not impossible to identify neither users nor content attributed to specific users unless the specific user allows themself to be known via a webpage or service. It will be a truly anonymous internet and the Unigrid electronjs GUI wallet will be used to the benefit of this purpose, I predict a browser, we will see. I will certainly share more updates regarding this as it progresses and as I myself understand it better. If you would like to know more about Unigrid, Swipp, or Neutron just follow the links all through this post and I'm sure you'll find your way home!

Lastly, I would like to mention that Neutron is available as a payment method for a new business my partners and I have started regarding Kratom, and Kratom Extract products. Kratom is a tree that grows in many tropical places along the equator, its leaves have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years, it is a relative of coffee, there is a ton of misinformation out there about this. My wife has been using it for 3 years now and I have personally experienced how this plant can help people. If you would like to know more about Kratom you can go here for more information. Otherwise, if you are already familiar with Kratom Extract Products and would like to take a look then please visit our site Whole Earth Gifts, we have the best Kratom Extracts available from the world's largest manufacturer of such products located with me here in Texas. We accept Neutron, Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum as well as all of the traditional payment methods.

If you've followed along with this far you my friend are a champion. I think I've said everything I really wanted to mention for now. I will be writing much more content from now on. I have some other ideas I will be building on soon regarding the marketability of many cryptocurrency projects, a type of old school zine that writes blogs/articles about promising, and maybe even some not so promising projects from deep within the trenches. Kind of like an old music rag, where people write about the things they wanted not for money or paid advertisement, but for the scene itself. Stay tuned.

Websites, Exchanges, & Services,,,,,,,, midas exchange,,,,

Whole Earth Gifts

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